Caffeine Shelf

The idea

This photo is not the caffeine shelf. It is an earlier project – the hexagon shelves that I made in February 2021. I was talking to someone about it. They suggested I should make one along the lines of the structural formula (wikipedia) for an organic compound, and showed me a picture of the Caffeine molecule (wikipedia). I was intrigued. If I can cut things at 60 degrees for a hexagon, then I can cut things at whatever angle is needed for a pentagon as well.

Caffeine molecule neon display from Etsy

The inspiration

A quick look on online shopping sites will reveal lots of inspiring ideas. The image on the right is for a neon display of the Caffeine structural formula, which my client found on Etsy.

I chose to ignore the detail of the lettering for this project, and just concentrate on the lines. For the curious, they represent single and double chemical bonds. Learn all about them on BBC Bitesize.

The maths

It can’t be difficult. In fact it should be easier than the hexagon shelf because this one has less parts. There are 6 sides of the hexagon, five sides of the pentagon (one side of each shape conveniently doubles up to form the double bond) and seven spiky sticky out bits (spoiler – scroll to the bottom to see what I mean).

A hexagon has six sides, and the angle I cut for a hexagon was 60 degrees, which is 1/6 of 360. So I assumed that I would need 1/5 of 360 for a pentagon. So I cut a few test pieces at 72 degrees … and found they create a half-circle. What went wrong?

I am using my hand miter saw to cut the parts.

A 90 degree cut gives a square end to the piece of wood. A 60 degree cut at each end is used to create the hexagon, and a 72 degree cut at each end creates … well it creates the half-circle above.

… and thus I realised that I am not cutting six angles, but twelve (one on each end of each piece of wood, and there are 6 pieces of wood). I did twelve cuts for each hexagon, so it should have been obvious.

The actual maths for a hexagon is therefore:

90 degrees (a perpendicular cut) – (360/12)

Which happens to conveniently give me 60 degrees.

So the maths for a pentagon is:

90 degrees – (360/10)

… which is 90 – 36 … which is 54 degrees. So I cut some test pieces, and ta-daa I have a pentagon.


Once I had cut the pieces to the right angles … and cut some of them again because I set the miter saw up incorrectly … I just needed to glue everything together.

For the curious, I am using Evo-Stik outdoor grade wood glue. The yellow box clamp is really useful for this sort of project. A ratchet strap (red) is a reasonable substitute, but the yellow one is much easier to work with. The orange work bench is a Triton Workcentre 2000 table saw (with the blade retracted all the way down).

I forgot to take photographs of the round spacers. If I remember, I will add them to this post later on.

Caffeine molecule shelf

The result

So here is the caffeine molecule, on the client’s wall, with a suitable caffeine beverage for scale. The parts are simply glued together with wood glue. The separators between the double bonds are circles of a darker wood, cut out with a hole-saw. I made brass mounting brackets (hidden behind the upper part of the hexagon).

The convention for drawing the caffeine molecule is horizontal, i.e. rotated 90 degrees from the way I have mounted it. However this is merely a convention, and this vertical arrangement is much more practical – there are actually some horizontal surfaces.

If you really want to scare your friends, you can call caffeine by its technical name, “1,3,7 tri-methyl xanthene”. You’re welcome.

Project started end of March 2024 and completed 3rd June 2024. Let me know what you think: Justin at

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Rebuilding the Shay (part 10) – running on air

Sorry for the loooong pause between posts. In the year since the last post, a lot has happened. Whilst other-parts-of-life (mostly good) have taken priority, there has been some progress on the Shay:

  • I have fired up the Shay a number of times to try and fix the various steam leaks.
  • I tried running the loco on air.
  • I wrapped PTFE tape around the thread of the lubricator to reduce (greasy) steam leaks.
  • I replaced the fibre washers around the banjo joints to reduce steam leaks.
  • I hacked around with the smokebox to deal with the problems of poor burning.
  • I checked the oil level in the lubricator, and forgot to replace the PTFE tape.

When running on steam, the pressure doesn’t want to rise above 20 psi, and the motor just refuses to turn over. Steam continues to leak from all sorts of places – mainly joints but also within the steam motor itself. This video is from 4th May 2024, at Brambleton.

However, running on air is fine and sweet – the motor turns nicely. A friend in my local Model Engineering Society helped me to make a replacement boiler plug with a Shrader car-tyre valve on the end. I use a portable 12-volt car tyre inflator as a compressor. As you can see in this short video (from 10 August 2023), the pressure got up to about 40 PSI.

Thanks again to my friends, especially David and Tony, for your ongoing help. The next step is probably to take the steam motor apart and tighten anything that can be tightened.

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Rebuilding the Shay (part 9) – setting things on fire again

More work on my Steamlines Shay locomotive. At the weekend, I took it to the outdoor line at Brambleton model railway club, and it attracted a lot of interest. With much assistance from David Jones, we managed to get a bit of flame inside. Initially, we did this by moving the smokebox forward and pushing a lighter into the gap. We weren’t able to raise steam, but after a few minutes, lots of things on the smokebox started to bubble, and some of the detailing fell off … it seems that the chap who originally built it had used soft-solder. We also concluded that the locomotive has never been fired – it certainly hasn’t ever seen any heat.

This evening, I had another go. The flame lights, but goes out again – sometimes after a few moments, sometimes after a bit longer. (a short video here shows this in action I tried various combinations of moving the jet backwards, or forwards, restricting the air flow (with the dodgy-looking collar that I added – see pic below) but it doesn’t seem to make any difference. After half an hour and getting no pressure in the boiler, I tried something else. 

Once everything had cooled down, I removed the boiler and lit the burner on its own. The picture below shows the flame in action (resting on a spare piece of steel to protect the frames – they are probably soft-soldered as well). This is normally inside the tube inside the boiler – bit it’s fascinating to see it in action.

The next step is to find out why the flame keeps going out. Watch this space.

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Rebuilding the Shay (part 8) – bogies

It’s been a few months since I did anything with the Shay – life is like that.

I believe that the wheels of this locomotive were originally designed for G-scale. I say this with reasonable confidence because the flanges are too big, and they bump on the sleepers on 16mm Peco track. Here is one of the bogies, seen from underneath.

I tried a few times to get the bogies apart. Unfortunately, the gears are a tight fit on the axles and won’t come off. Also unfortunately, the bogies are soldered together, and I didn’t want to have to rebuild them, So I investigated how I might reduce the flanges whilst the wheels remained in the bogies.

I made a wooden jig to hold the bogie, and attached various bits to a board to support my cordless drill and the jig. There is also another piece of wood that holds the trigger on the drill. Using the driveshaft and gears seemed like a logical thing to do, but when I held the file against the flange to wear it down a bit, I quickly realised that this was putting un-necessary stress on both the universal joint and on the gears. The grub screws also kept coming loose.

So I rotated the bogie-holding jig through 90 degrees and held the axle directly in the cordless drill. This worked much better. It involved removing a boss from the left end of the bogies and tightening the screws that hold the wheel to the axle, but this was much more satisfactory, and in the space of a few minutes I had filed down one wheel sufficiently that it no longer bumped along the track.

Repeat with the other wheel on the same axle.

The jig was adjusted to drive the other axle, and its two wheels were similarly filed down. The exact diameter of the flange is not critical. A bit of filing on the sides of the flange removes any burrs.

Repeat with the other bogie, and the wheels now run properly on the track.

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Rebuilding the Shay (part 7) – setting things on fire

If you have been following my previous posts, you will know that the boiler and gas tank are both sound. A friend from my local model engineering society encouraged me to try lighting the loco to see if it will run.

One loco that I own is lit by applying a flame to the chimney. The flame blows back into the burner flue. Another is lit by opening the smokebox door and poking a lighter in there. The Shay’s smokebox door doesn’t open. However lighting the chimney didn’t have the intended consequences.

I asked online, and another Shay owner tells me that the loco is lit from under the smokebox. There is a small hole. I tried this, and get a nice blue flame around the base of the smokebox. Again not really what we want.

Apparently the fix is to add a sleeve to the burner air intake (like on a Bunsen burner). That involves removing the gas tank, which involves removing the Osmotor, which involves removing the lubricator. To make this easier, I intend to take the opportunity to put a union joint in the gas pipe to make it easier to remove the jet without doing a full strip-down-and-rebuild. Another job for another day.

Justin – 15 July 2022

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Rebuilding the Shay (part 6) – fiddly bits

In my previous post, I described getting the boiler and gas tank tested, and promised to start putting the loco together. This has proved to be quite fiddly.

The first fiddly bit relates to the bolts in the bottom of the lubricator. The bolts are soldered into the bottom of the lubricator, which is rather useful, as it means they fit and I can’t lose them. As you might be able to see in the photograph below (which is taken from underneath), the holes for the nuts are directly in line with a piece of brass – and they are a bit fiddly to install, and there’s barely enough space to get a spanner in there to do them up. For the record, these are M3 nuts.

“Fortunately”, I told myself, “I only need to do these up once”.

With the lubricator installed, I then looked at installing the boiler next to it. This was relatively easy: two bolts on the angle iron at the back into the frame (also M3), and it fits snugly on the smokebox at the front.

Then I realised I had forgotten to bolt in the burner. So I unmounted the boiler, bolted the burner in place, and re-mounted the boiler.

Then I mounted the steam motor, which is fiddly because there is a steam pipe that comes out the back and needs to fit inside the exhaust pipe that runs alongside the boiler. It is also fiddly because the gap in the frames is only just big enough.

At this point, I looked to see how the pipe from the lubricator connects to the steam motor, and realised that the screw that holds the banjo cannot be done up because it faces the boiler. I also realised that the gas tank has to be mounted before the motor, because of how the gas pipe runs to the burner.

All was not lost. I didn’t need to remove the boiler – just the steam motor and the lubricator. Remember those M3 bolts I said I would only ever do up once?

With the lubricator loose, the gas tank installed, and the motor back in its right place (but not bolted down), I took the opportunity to re-shape the pipes so they are neater. I also checked that they don’t get in the way of the cab.

Bolting everything down again was relatively straightforward. I undid the nuts on the lubricator three times in the end. A few weeks ago, I had looked at the nuts and bolts that hold down the steam motor and gas tank, and found that some of the washers and nuts were missing.

This is the second fiddly bit.

  • The two at the burner end of the boiler are M2, and they only hold the steam motor in place.
  • The two bolts between the steam motor and the gas tank are also M2, and hold both to the frames.
  • The two bolts at the front end of the gas tank are tiny. Possibly M1.6, or possibly 10BA.

I purchased a pack of 8BA washers, and substituted 8BA washers for M2.

I also purchased a small pack of ten nuts, washers and bolts in 10BA from Macc Models (via their eBay shop), but I couldn’t get a 10BA bolt through the hole in the frame, though the bolt that was supplied with the kit does fit. This leads me to suspect that these bolts are supposed to be M1.6 (which requires a 1.6mm hole) instead of 10BA (which requires a 1.8mm hole). However I was able to get a 10BA washer and nut on the bolt-that-is-probably-M1.6 … and it seems to do up.

A note on small bolts – if you are purchasing such a thing, only buy one size at a time. None of my packages came with a delivery note, so it would have been very difficult to tell the difference if I had bought multiple sizes from different eBay shops at the same time.

Oh, and open the tiny bag over a lid (the lid of a Chinese Takeaway container for example) to stop the bits rolling away.

Justin – 16 June 2022

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Rebuilding the Shay (part 5) – boiler and gas tank

Since the last update, I have had the boiler tested by the helpful people in my local model engineering society. They also had a look at the gas tank. 

Garden-gauge steam locomotives, particularly those with commercially-made boilers, don’t normally need annual boiler testing. However, this kit languished in a cupboard for 20 years, and there was no certification paperwork with it. So I felt it would be a good precaution to get it formally pressure-tested before I try to run it.

The boiler is sound, which is a relief. 

The gentlemen who did the boiler testing also inspected the gas tank. Although they aren’t able to pressure-test it (being a gas tank, it is tested in a different way to testing a boiler), they were of the opinion that the gas tank was professionally made. The tank itself seems sound, but there was a leak coming from the valve. There is a slot on top of the valve by which it can be tightened, but this needs a special screwdriver (see picture). In the picture you can also see the screwdriver bit which I modified (with a hacksaw). With some gas in the tank, I immersed it in luke-warm water, and confirmed that there aren’t any bubbles.

The next step is to put everything back together again, complete the assembly, and put some fire inside it.

Justin – 11 June 2022

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Rebuilding the Shay (part 4) – variations

I have been discussing the Steamlines Shay with various other owners of this kit in the 16mm Association. The kit was sold by Tom Cooper in the 1990s under his “Merlin” or “Steamlines” brands. The contents of this kit varied slightly over time.

On some models, the bogie frames have different detail. Mine (on the left) with real (though non-functional) springs and D. Hunt’s (on the right) with fake spring etch detail.

This particular Shay model is powered by a “Steam motor” – a compact two-cylinder device, which is sometimes called an “Osmotor” (because it oscillates). Some “Osmotors” on the Shay included extra step-down gearing to achieve slower running. Mine (on the left, not geared down) and P Mason’s (on the right, showing extra gearing to slow down the motion – there is a third axle hidden behind the lower one).

The universal-joints on most models are different to those on mine (see my previous post). The upper version in the photo below seems to be unique to my Shay, whereas the lower version (also included in my kit of parts) is clearly to be seen on everyone else’s version of this kit.

It is likely that the Shay I purchased in 2020 (as a part-built kit that had sat in a box for 20 years) has been modified from the original plan. Some of the cosmetic parts, such as the lamps, are placed differently to the instructions. The universal joints on mine do not match with any photographs of other Steamlines Shay that I can find online, so I suspect a modification or deviation from the kit here too.

Justin – 19 May 2022

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Rebuilding the Shay (part 3) – The instructions

The Shay kit that was sold by Steamlines in the 1990s was accompanied by a VHS cassette showing how to build it. There are also paper instructions – mostly on A3 – with some guidance, but a lot is left to the interpretation of the builder.

The quality of the video is not great by today’s standards, but was presumably par for the course in the 1990s when it was made. I had it digitised so I can watch it on a laptop (I have never owned a video cassette player).

Maybe this was also par for the course in the 1990s, but I was rather surprised to see the presenter with a lit cigarette whilst discussing how the gas tank works. To be fair, he does explain that you should never do this … but later in the video he repeats the exercise whilst the burner is burning.

The video answers one of my earlier questions: what type of U-joint is used on the flexible couplings. It seems that the later models used a simpler U-joint rather than the prototypical one with outer rings.

Justin – 6 May 2022

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Rebuilding the Shay (part 2) – Linkages

One of the great things about a Shay locomotive is the unique drive train – a flexible axle running along one side of the locomotive from the power unit (crankshaft) to the bogie trucks. This Wikipedia page has more information on how it works.

I purchased a part-built Steamlines Shay model (manufactured in the 1990s) in 16mm scale (approx 1:19). Today I took most of it apart: I unmounted the gas tank, the boiler, the lubricator and the power unit from the frame. Small boilers under 3 bar-litres like this one don’t need annual testing. However, because the boiler is probably 30 years old, I am planning to get it re-tested just to be on the safe side.

The bogies are already made up. The crossbars were upside-down (there should be countersinks in the top to hold the heads of the bolts that fix the coupling arm – but they were in the bottom) so I corrected this, and also mounted the coupling arm on the rear bogie. The kit assumes LGB couplings, but also gives instructions for other coupling types if preferred.

The linkages connect the power unit to the bogies like this (biro for scale):

Several other owners of this same Shay seem to have different universal joints. In the kit that I purchased, there are parts for two varieties. The upper variety are already made up. The lower variety was in a bag of parts and are not pinned together (see bottom left). There are no instructions on how to make them up.

The upper one seems to match the prototype. The lower one is visible in other incarnations of this kit, for example:

So my question is: which one is correct for this model? I will update this page when I have found out.

Justin – 2 May 2022.

Update 6th May 2022: I have been in email contact with a few people over the last week. It seems that the upper image of linkages was the original version that came with earlier versions of the kit, and the lower image shows a later option, possibly more robust. Every other model of this kit that I have seen, including the one shown in the instructions video, use the later (lower) option.

Alongside this discussion, I have found that later versions of the power unit (see picture at the top of this post) had additional gearing so that the locomotive would run slower. More in a future post.

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