The London Underground Roundel is instantly-recognizable. It is beautiful in its simplicity, and it shouts “Mind the Gap” louder than the platform staff.
There is a crowd of fellow Adult Fans Of Lego – affectionately known as AFOLs – that meets in Central London. It should be little surprise that I count myself proudly among their numbers. But the logo they were using didn’t quite have the punch that I thought it should. So I made a new one for them.

Logo for London AFOLs based on the famous London Underground Roundel
The build technique is quite straightforward. A picture of the real “Underground” logo was re-sized to one pixel per brick, then zoomed in so that it looks very blocky. Gridlines in the paint program help to mark the bricks. From this, the build is largely based on trial-and-error.
The London Underground logo (the “Roundel”) is a trademark of Transport for London.